Operation aiming to amalgamate or to subdivide a property

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Cadastral operations

What is a cadastral operation? It is an operation aiming to amalgamate or to subdivide a property. During this operation, a request for approval will be sent to the municipality to validate the conformity of the cadastral operation then we will proceed with an officialization request to the government in order to assign lot numbers.

What is a cadastre? A cadastre is a graphical representation of land fragmentation. It is part of a provincial public registry which contains cadastral plans prepared by Québec land surveyors. The information on a cadastral plan includes lot numbers, dimensions, area, shape and position compared to neighbouring lots.

Alary, St-Pierre & Durocher, land surveyors, offer cadastre services in Gatineau, whether it involves merging lots, subdividing properties, or correcting the cadastre. Our team ensures that each cadastral operation complies with the laws and regulations. We send the necessary documents to the municipality so that you obtain your subdivision permit, then we send the necessary documents to the ministry so that the lots become official as quickly as possible.

Whether you need a grouping of lots, a subdivision, or a cadastral update, our experience ensures compliance with the Quebec cadastre.


Many restrictions exist regarding cadastral operations. For instance, it is not possible to divide a lot if the subdivision is too small to build on, if some of the proposed lots would be enclaved or if the subdivisions would be in violation of the municipal by-laws. Additionally, it is only possible to amalgamate lots that are owned by the same owner.
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When is a cadastral operation necessary? A cadastral operation officialize a modification in the cadastre. For instance, it is necessary if you want to subdivide a lot in order to sell or to amalgamate various lots to create one lot. Your land surveyor will make sure that the result conforms to all applicable laws and by-laws, thus allowing you to obtain all necessary permits and certificates.

How do we proceed? As soon as we have all the plans, and after confirming your operation is legally possible, we will proceed with a subdivision application. If the operation is not possible, we will discuss the alternatives with you. Following receipt of the accepted subdivision application, park fees may be payable to the municipality for each subdivision. Then, a subdivision application will be sent to the Direction de l’enregistrement cadastral du Québec in order to officialize your intentions and obtain your lots numbers. These numbers will then be added to the official cadastre, as well as the dimensions, shape, position and area of the new lot(s). Finally, if necessary, survey markers will be installed on the lot(s) allowing you to physically view your property lines.

I would like to build a condo. Is it different for me? Yes. Various steps are necessary when constructing this type of building and we strongly recommend you contact your land surveyor in order to determine the feasibility of the project you have in mind. For instance, condominium plans must include both common and private portions. A vertical plan will also be necessary in order to indicate the height of each section of the condominium.

Did you know?

The Government of Québec is currently reforming the cadastre for the entire province. This reform became necessary as the original cadastre, established in 1860, was imperfect and contained anomalies, inaccuracies and inconsistencies.

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